Connect with April Hill Park

celebrate April Hill Park

April Hill Park
- Educte yourself about the wetland and teach others.
- Pick up after your dog.
- Keep your dog on a leash and out of the wetland. Dogs are wlcome on the Boardwalk when leashed.
There are many native plants in the park. Thanks to volunteers, much of the trouble species like Himalayan blackberry and English ivy has been removed. Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about the different plants and animals living in April Hill Park.
The 30×30 Challenge is a fun way to enhance awareness of April Hill Park, our environment, and our community. Spend 30 minutes each day in April Hill Park and tell us about it with your photos, drawings, or writings. Post your best expressions of April Hill Park every day for 30 days via Instagram and Facebook.
Instagram: Post your photos on Instagram using #AprilHillPark and be sure to follow us @AprilHillPark
Facebook: Post your photos to our Facebook Page, Friends of April Hill Park using #AprilHillPark.